How to Setup Your Team Prize Draw for Success
Unicorn Train offers a variety of options when it comes to creating a periodic draw to acknowledge the top achievers on your team. Draws can offer prizes, awards, and bonuses or can simply list the winners in a traditional leaderboard. Depending on the size of your team and the amount of remote collaboration, you may consider different draw intervals and optional awards. Here are some of the more popular setups to inspire your team and ensure that you get the most out of Unicorn Train.
Unicorn of the Month
The concept of having the most valuable contributor crowned every month is a classic team recognition system. To set this up in Unicorn Train, you can first go to the Draws section to add a new prize. You'll only need a single "Unicorn of the Month" prize, which can also be set to reoccur in all subsequent draws. The draw date can also be updated to the 1st of the month. From the Team Settings, the Draw System can then be set to Leaderboard and the Draw Interval can be updated to Monthly.
The top 🦄 recipient of each month will be automatically selected and announced to the team. The best part is that you don't need to update anything ever again! Everything will continue to run each month and your team can continue sending their nominations for each monthly draw 🎉
Top Unicorns of the Week
Instead of specifying prizes or awards, sometimes it's nice to spark some friendly team competition by simply naming the top recipients of the week. In which case, you do not need to add any prizes to the draw. The draw date could be set to either the upcoming Monday or Friday to have the top team members announced at the beginning or end of the week.
Go to the Team Settings page to set the Draw System to Leaderboard and the Draw Interval to Weekly. The top three 🦄 recipients will be announced to the team each week, including all of the 🦄 they've received. This is a great way to introduce Unicorn Train to your team given the ongoing frequency of the weekly results.
Monthly Prize Pool
A Unicorn Train team favorite is to have an exciting monthly draw from a prize pool. To set this up for your team, go to the Draws page to add multiple prizes to the current draw. You could select a more significant prize for first place as well as additional smaller prizes. If you need some prize ideas, check out our guide on providing the right sized incentives.
Once your draw contains several prizes, go to the Team Settings page to set the Draw System to Raffle and the Draw Interval to Monthly. The benefit of randomizing the results is that everyone can participate in the draw and it ensures that there are a variety of winners throughout the team. The top 🦄 recipients will have a better chance at winning, so there's still an incentive to stay engaged and active. Unicorn Train will announce all of the winners on a monthly basis and distribute the prizes accordingly 🙌
Unicorn Train's flexible options allow you to reward your team in a way that fits your team culture. Whether you want a thrilling prize draw or a classic leaderboard, you can try different ways to celebrate wins on your team.

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